Securing Consent to Operate is essential for running projects or activities responsibly and legally. This approval from the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) ensures that your operations meet all environmental regulations.

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) issues Consent to Operate to industrial units, factories, and construction projects involved in activities that could generate pollution. This legal document allows the unit to operate while complying with environmental standards and conditions set by the MPCB.

To obtain Consent to Operate, establishments must show that they meet environmental norms for air emissions, water discharge, hazardous waste management, and noise levels. The MPCB reviews applications based on the environmental impact, pollution control measures in place, and compliance history.

Consent to Operate is issued for a specific period, and businesses must renew it periodically to maintain compliance. Failure to obtain or renew this consent can lead to penalties, including fines or closure.

Difference Between Consent to Establish (CTE) and Consent to Operate (CTO)

  • Consent to Establish (CTE) is required before starting the construction of the plant.
  • Consent to Operate (CTO) is required after the construction is complete and the plant is ready to operate.
  • CTE is a one-time approval, while CTO must be renewed every 1 to 5 years depending on the category.

Renewal of Consent to Operate

Applications for renewal must be submitted four months before the current consent expires. If the application is made after the expiry, action will be taken under Section 25/26 of the Water Act and Section 21 of the Air Act. The renewal process involves similar documents as the initial Consent to Operate application.

Penalty for Operating Without Consent

Operating without the required Consent to Operate or Establish can result in penalties up to 10 times the consent fees

Scope of Work

Tasks involved in obtaining Consent to Establish from the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) include:

  • Coordinating, managing, and application process for Consent to Operate.
  • Representing the organization during MPCB visits and meetings.
  • Completion of application forms for water, air, and hazardous wastes.
  • Compiling necessary documentation and preparing attachments for the application.
  • Submitting consent forms and relevant data to the MPCB in triplicate.
  • Ensuring timely follow-up with the concerned department to expedite application processing.
  • Securing Consents to Operate for water, air, and solid/ hazardous wastes.
  • Facilitating communication and coordination with the MPCB throughout the consent acquisition process.
  • Obtaining the Consent to Operate from MPCB

Documents Required:

  • Detailed layout plan of processes, effluent or sewage discharge points, and emission sources.
  • Process flow sheet.
  • Latest analysis reports of solid waste, effluent, hazardous wastes, and fuel gases.
  • Details of pollution control instruments for water and air.
  • Ambient air quality report.
  • NOC from the Directorate of Industries, Government of Maharashtra, or SSI Certificate.
  • DGTD Registration (if applicable).
  • Details of chemical reactions with mass equilibrium.
  • Consent fees in the form of a DD drawn in favor of the Pollution Control Board.
  • Copy of the previous consent (for renewal).
  • Copy of Environmental Clearance from the Government of Maharashtra or Government of India (if required).
  • Water budget calculations.


Consent to Operate (CTO) is a legal document issued by the Pollution Control Board of respective states, allowing businesses to operate after obtaining Consent to Establish (CTE) approval. It signifies compliance with environmental regulations and standards.

A Consent to Operate (CTO) certificate, also known as a No Objection Certificate (NOC), is granted by the Pollution Control Board to authorize business operations once Consent to Establish (CTE) has been approved.

CTO compliance refers to adhering to the terms, conditions, and guidelines outlined in the Consent to Operate approval granted by regulatory authorities. It ensures that a project or activity is conducted in accordance with established environmental, safety, and operational standards.

Consent to Operate is issued by the respective State Pollution Control Boards. For example, businesses in Maharashtra must apply for CTO from the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB).

Yes, Consent to Operate can often be transferred from one entity to another, such as during a change in ownership or management of the project. However, this transfer typically requires approval from the relevant regulatory authorities to ensure ongoing compliance.

Applications for renewal must be submitted four months before the current consent expires. If the renewal is not obtained within the validity period, a fresh application must be made to the Pollution Control Board.

Operating without the required Consent to Operate or Establishment can result in penalties up to 10 times the consent fees.

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